OH DEAR. I’ve found another idea


This link will take you to a tiny house made from a bus….that’s right, a bus. Like an old school, school bus. And. It’s. ADORABLE! So there’s another idea I now have that I didn’t need, added to my slew of ideas already overflowing my brain. A bus house. Hell on gas but totally mobile and perfect for my ultimate ideal life. Plus it’s a built in bug out vehicle in its own way. But that’s a whole other part of my life that I have to somehow reconcile with tiny living. Prepping….in a very, very limited amount of space. Another thought, for yet another day.

But to that adding thoughts into my head, I recently watch the documentary Plastic Paradise, and have now a revamped desire to rid my life of plastics. Well, as much as feasibly possible that it. Some things I can’t get away from, least not in the anywhere near future, but I’m going to do my best. I already do a lot to cut down, like never using anything for just a single use; EVERYTHING gets reused as many times as I can reuse it. I keep a hard plastic, yea…plastic, straw in my car so that I’ll never again use single use straws. I have switched to cloth pads, and I use glass whenever and where ever humanly possible. I hate plastic storage containers. I’m making small changes everywhere, but I need to do more. I feel like there’s so much more to be done. The ultimate goal in that in the tiny house there will be nothing single use plastic anywhere to be found. Including plastic bags from stores, I won’t need them. The only reason I keep any right now is for trash liners and kitty litter. But in the tiny house the cats will use the compost toilet with me (I’ll need to work on that training but it can be done) and I won’t be gathering as much trash in the house because I’ll be EXTREMELY conscious about what I’m using, how and the trash that therein results. Everything that I can buy in bulk will be done so, I’m hoping that will include things like hair care if I can find a way as well. Right now I buy the way that I do because of coupons and finances, but I’m hoping that with the mortgage free home and garden and such that I’ll be able to afford more bulk buying without coupons and such types of things. I’ll make as much as I can make by this time in my life I hope too. I made scrubs for Christmas. I need to work on other things soon. AND I CAN SEW!  That’s extremely random yes, but kinda flowed and fits…..Whatever. I can sew. I’m excited. I have learned to use a sewing machine and have made pot holders, pj pants and worked on an apron. I plan on making a surprise for someone who reads this blog so I cannot specify (heeheehee) and some cloths pads for myself and my bestie. Maybe I’ll even try and sell some for tiny house money. We’ll see. haha. But I’m trying to become self sufficient and work on things that I want to incorporate into what I’m calling (in my head at least) MY TINY HOUSE ERA. In this era all of my goals will come to life I’m hoping, my garden, my lack of plastic, my reduction in water use, my breaking from the populous, my sewing all my pads and maybe some clothing, my breaking from technology to an extent, enjoying nature more, paying less, relishing more, stressing less, breathing more, less anxiety and more laughing. These all re all goals I wish for my TINY HOUSE ERA!

But all of that being said there’s ever more in my head that I’m trying to incorporate in my daily life. I can’t stop crafting and creating things to the point that I would love, love LOVE a studio in which to work and sell my items. But again that costs money and money is a tight subject. I’m trying to get more hours with the post office so that I can set something up, and I’m considering a Go Fund Me campaign to begin my little “This Isn’t It” recycled art business. But it’s all still a slow go seeing as how there’s personal things I’m still trying to reconcile and fix all the while trying to do all of this other stuff too. I realize I may have way to much going on (I’m in a play at the moment too…) and I’m equally passionate about all of it so that makes it all the more tedious. Alas, I’m a balls to the all kinda girl lately and when I make a choice to do something then damn it I’m going to. It might take me years and I’ll break multiple times along the way but it’s happening. All of it. And all of it before I’m too old to enjoy it and live it properly!

And I just read a blog from a young woman who has been in her tiny house with her partner for a while and on the move for about 6 months. She posted about the top 5 things she’s wasn’t expecting to learn from living in a tiny house but did, and among the list was “waste less”, I want that to be me! I want to waste less. I want to be insanely aware of my consumption and intake and waste and everything and know that I can better be responsible for it all. I want all of the things she listed off, but that one the most of all. Everything she learned and has experienced, I want to do the same. It just furthered the knowledge that this is the direction my life needs to take. It’ll more than likely take longer than the 2 years I set out for myself but that being said I think it’ll be more than worth the wait and patience. And anyone who knows me knows that I need better practice at being patient, so that’s a hidden bonus I guess.

Ok all of that being said in the random and sporadic way that I said it all, I’m energized…sort of. The play I’m in is zapping a lot of that, but I’m looking forward to this challenge all over again. I do apologize for the randomness of this post, it’s the way my scattered brain feels right now, so I’m basically typing as things come in my mind. It’s a hazard you will note about my blog the more I post and the more you read. I’m random. Very random. You haven’t seen SQUIRREL! the half of it. 😉 But all in all I’m going to end now. So happy day to you!

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